About Sharon LaMothe
Sharon LaMothe has been in the Infertility Field since 1998. As a Gestational Carrier, she gave birth to twin girls in 2000 and, in 2005, she gave birth to girl/boy twins for a same sex couple. In 2000 Sharon was invited to join a Florida legal firm recruiting & managing surrogacy arrangements. After leaving the legal arena in 2003, Sharon then co-owned Surrogacy Consultants of Florida, LLC, the first successful independent surrogacy agency in Florida. The doors of SCF officially closed in Jan. 2009 after she and her family moved to Washington State. LaMothe Services LLC, is Sharon's way of giving back to the surrogacy community by offering Assisted Reproductive Technology Business Solutions for those working within the A.R.T. field. With over 25 years of experience she offers these services to provide Coaching and Mentor-ship for new agency owners plus Marketing, Staff Education, Web & Blog Design etc. in the area of Third Party Family Building. Sharon's expertise provides resources that will help you & your staff feel motivated, organized & realizing your business goals! Sharon also is the founder of LaMothe Surrogacy Consulting, for those needing education, guidance and support throughout their independent surrogacy arrangements.
Sharon has participated on many boards including Fertility Within Reach, Fertile Action, OBGYN.net, The Pregnancy Corner, AFOMO, PVED. She is a member of ASRM and Seattle Tacoma Area Reproductive Society (STARS).
Sharon has the pleasure of educating Intended Parents through support group appearances and speaking to professional organizations and businesses such as RESOLVE, ASRM, American Fertility Association, START ART, Fertile Dreams, AATB, Microsoft, plus speaking abroad on Surrogacy in the USA in Beijing and Inner Mongolia. She has published articles in the AFA directory as well as other industry publications and magazines.
Sharon is the author of Surrogacy Helps Make a Family Grow and currently resides in Seattle, WA.
Sharon's educational background includes a Social Services major which encompassed classes in Crisis Identification and Intervention, Interviewing and Counseling, Communication in Groups and Organizations. Sharon's continuing education classes include Total Quality Management (TQM) and Shared Decision Making. She has offered her unique perspectives and expertise by holding round table discussions and speaking on the topic of Surrogacy and Third Party Family Building for SMART ART, RESOLVE, ASRM, American Fertility Association, Fertile Dreams and by arranging staff development luncheons and meetings with various clinics, hospitals and law offices. Sharon has also participated in an ASRM post graduate course as a faculty member teaching budget friendly yet ethical ways to market an infertility field based business. Sharon owns and operates LaMothe Surrogacy Consulting, assisting those who wish to build their family via surrogacy without the cost of a full service agency.
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