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 Customer Service Overview 
Customer Service Overview and Development
Satisfied customers are the most influential form of marketing and advertising. They are the people that rave about your services to all their friends, support groups, family and on their blogs and list serves. BUT the unsatisfied consumer will go even further if they perceive themselves to be taken advantage of or mistreated. A customer scorned will tell their story to the Better Business Bureau, the American Bar Association, sue for malpractice and take out a bill board! No matter what the out come, you want your client to leave your practice or business feeling like you have done everything in your power to give them what they wanted. LaMothe Services will show you and your staff how to guide your client to a satisfied relationship with you and your business.
LaMothe Services will:
Train your staff to be ALWAYS helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable
Properly train your staff in how to handle a customer complaint or an irate client
Suggest different ways to show appreciation to your clients for their business
Assist you with composing a 'how are we doing' survey for both your clients and your staff
Evaluate your waiting room based on the individual needs of your clients such as privacy in the waiting room, available beverages and reading materials, staff greeting of your client, how long of a wait there is, develop strategies for the times when there are longer then normal waiting periods 
Customer service regarding the telephone
Active listening
Remember, there is no way that the quality of customer service can exceed the quality of the people who provide it. LaMothe Services will give your staff guidelines for what to say and do in every conceivable case! People on the frontline of a situation play the most critical role in your customer's experience. Make sure they know what to do and say to make that customer's experience a positive, pleasant one.

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