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 Staff Development  
Continuing staff education is always important for all offices and hospitals who work with Surrogates, Egg Donors, and Intended Parents. Techniques, laws and procedures change and although your staff may be very knowledgeable with what your program offers they may not be as aware of what happens outside of your office in other areas of Third Party Reproduction.
Staff Development for Hospitals: 
Each hospital that LaMothe Services has worked with has it's own Risk Management team but they may not be aware of how surrogacy differs from adoption. Because there is such a vast difference on a number of levels having LaMothe Services train your Risk Management team, social services department and labor and delivery nurses on surrogacy will be huge asset in this growing Third Party Reproductive Family Building field. There also should be a written protocol and procedure document so that your hospital staff will be consistent in their actions and decisions. Questions such as should a staff member ask to see a signed surrogacy contract? (and why) Who is allowed in the labor and delivery room? Who should be banded? How should the discharge protocal work if the baby can leave but the surrogate isn't ready and vise versa? These issues and more will be discussed. Questions regarding Surrogacy, Surrogacy Agencies and other related topics will also be answered.   
Staff Development for Clinics:
If your clinic doesn't have an in-house surrogacy agency or egg donation department then our program would be a perfect fit for your needs. LaMothe Services will start at the beginning explaining the surrogacy process along with the following topics and issues:
Who are these women who want to be surrogate mothers and why
The Agency role in screening potential surrogates
Insightful observations regarding independent surrogacy matches
How the matching process works
What is involved regarding relationship management
What an agency expects from it's clinic for their clients
What the clinic and staff should expect from the agencies they work with
What happens after the clients leave the clinic
What's more, LaMothe Services can teach your staff how to be efficient on the phone and in person regarding the sharing of information and answering questions and we will give you resources to accomplish your goals of great customer service. (This staff development service is a perfect compliment to our customer service evaluation.)
Staff Development for the Legal Department:
It's not unusual for Reproductive Attorneys to just meet their clients for only the contract phase of the surrogacy arrangement. Who knows what happens before that Assisted Reproductive Client walks through your door or calls you? Hopefully the attorney will also be involved in the parentage action as well but what happens in between? Whether your office works with a Surrogate or Intended Parent it is always best to know the following:
Who are these people that need Assisted Reproductive Technology to become parents?
Who are these women who are willing to carry a baby for another person?
The Agency role in screening potential surrogates
Special observations regarding independent surrogacy matches
How the matching process works
What is involved with regarding 'relationship management'
What an agency expects from it's Attorney for their clients
What the Attorney and staff should expect from the agencies they work with
What happens after the clients move onto the next phase of the surrogacy journey
What's more, LaMothe Services can teach your staff how to be efficient on the phone and in person regarding the sharing of information, answering questions and we will give you resources to accomplish your goals of great customer service.
Call 727-458-8333 for more details and set up your free 40 minute consultation.